The more the merrier…why extended family sessions are my new fave.

Gold Coast Family Photographer

I’ve been photgraphing families, little humans, weddings, newborns, couples etc for nearly four years now and there hasn’t been much I’ve said no to but making the decision to step back and take a break over the summer has really allowed me to figure out what fills my cup creatively.

I thought perhaps I needed to experiement a little more, search pinterest and tiktok for some inspiration, organise a big creative shoot but after putting the tools down for a couple of months, I’ve realised my creativity isnt in new techniques or big creative concepts. It’s connection. Pure human connection. That’s what fills my cup.

Gold Coast Family Photographer
Gold Coast Family Photographer
Brisbane Family Photographer

And I have realised my most connected sessions are the extended family session. Having siblings, Nanny’s, Poppy’s, Great Pa’s and Grans, Mum, Dad, cousins, best friends (you get the idea) all in one spot is bloody magic.

Now it’s often total chaos with excited kids, toddlers up at witching hour, a baby thats fallen asleep in the car and grandparents winding those kids right up!

It’s parents trying to wrangle grumpy kids, mum or dad jumping around behind me trying to get all 53 of the kids *slightly exaggerated* to look in the same direction.

It’s rocks and sand in a toddlers shoe and pretty perfect bows being ripped out

But it is perfect.

Gold Coast Extended Family Photographer
Gold Coast Family Photographer
Gold Coast Family Photographer

It’s utter chaos and everyone gets in the car a little exhausted but those photos are magic and so so important!

It could be one of the few times your parents or grandparents have all their grand babies or great grand babies in one big photo together they can hang proudly on their wall.

This is also why I put a big focus on family portraits at any wedding I shoot, plus I am a total sucker for your cute little Nan or Pop. They are some of favourite guests.

Brisbane Family Photographer
Brisbane Family Photographer - Gordon Country
Brisbane Family Photographer

So I am putting it out into the universe…this is what I would love to do more of.

Yes it is hard to get everyone on board! Yes it is hard to find a date that suits everyone! Yes wrangling lots of family members is hard work. But trust me…you will not regret it.

So wrangle the troops.

I’ll be here waiting.

Tess xx


Why I won’t be just a wedding photographer